Ministry Leads – Minister Joshua Johnson, Minster J’Nesha Johnson, Deacon Debora Matthews

What is Worship Ministry?
The Worship Ministry at Rise Community Church is focused on providing a safe place for people to meet with God and experience His presence in a greater way through music and song. We present worship through song that is Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, authentic, passionate, exciting and engaging. The heart of this ministry is to be worshippers who wholeheartedly give of themselves with a goal of seeing God magnified, while allowing the lives of people to be rebuilt, reconciled and restored to Christ. Our team is committed to unity, discipleship, service, family and cultivating our gifts and talents to offer God our best.
Please Note: We currently rehearse on Wednesdays from 6:00am-8:00pm.
If you have questions or would like to know more about this ministry you email us at