The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.
Proverbs 18:15

Our cities, nation, and world face tremendous challenges – challenges that only the people of God are predestined to address to win the world for Christ and transform their communities through their leadership. If there were ever a time for you as a follower of Christ to seek out the wisdom of God – this is that time. The Education Ministry at Rise Community Church stands ready to shepherd you in building your faith, sharpen your skills, and enhance your Word knowledge so that you can be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
RCC offers courses and a certificate program designed by Every Nation Churches and Ministries. Following are the available courses and programs:
Spiritual Foundations I – Purple Book is a 13-week course based on Every Nation’s “Purple Book,” which helps you build your life on the solid foundation of God’s word. This course will meet live on Tuesdays. In this course, you will understand the following:
- Foundational truths such as sin, salvation, prayer, and worship
- How to apply God’s word to everyday life
- The power, through faith, that you have to change lives and transform communities
Spiritual Foundations II – Discipleship Series is a 20-week course consisting of three books that help you understand Church, Spiritual Leadership, and Discipleship. This course will meet live on Tuesdays. This series is designed to:
- Build Church Community and help believers understand Church life, as well as the mission, vision, and core values of RCC.
- Empower Leaders to equip and empower others to lead well.
- Make Disciples to meet the Church’s need for evangelism, discipleship, and maturity to ensure maximum fruitfulness.
Spiritual Formations – Leadership 215 is a two-year certificate program entitled, Leadership 215, designed by Every Nation pastors and teachers from around the world to help you better understand the Bible and develop a godly approach to transforming the world. This course is presented online. In this program, you will:
- Study topics such as Church History, Apologetics, and Systematic Theology
- Deepen your personal bible study
- Become a better witness to non-believers and those of other religious beliefs.
- Deepen your understanding of God, His purpose in your life, and your place in His will.
Thank you for your interest in the Education Ministry at Rise Community Church. Should you have questions, we’re here to help. Email